So Tired

Nov 09, 2010 18:21

 I got con crud at OVFF the weekend of October 24-26.  I have been ill ever since.  It's been low-grade, aches and headaches and sniffles and cough, but it is NOT getting better, and I just keep getting more and more tired.  I've actually lost weight, which is surprising since I haven't exercised since my last swim with pondside .  I know eating takes a lot of energy right now, and I've barely been able to finish my lunches at school (my big meal of the day, and more nutritious than most public school lunches, since we're a boarding school.)

If I breathe too deeply, I cough.  If I climb stairs, (like, the six steps up from my classroom) I'm getting dizzy.  I'm thinking seriously of going to the doctor's, but I'm not feverish, just short on spoons.  And getting my classrooms ready for a sub takes more work and effort than just showing up at school.  Although I've had more behavior problems, because I'm not ahead of the game anymore, but reacting to events afterwards.

The boyos have been very helpful with keeping up with their little sister.  Sparkle was laid very low over the weekend with coughing and a high fever.  She spent a lot of time clinging to my neck like a limpet.  (This is unusual for my wiggly worm.)  I'd've enjoyed the cuddle time more if I hadn't been so worried about her.  I shouldn't have bothered; she's bounced back better than I have.

me, medical

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