Cheer up baby, it wasn't always quite as bad.

Nov 12, 2009 20:03

Had a good, if stressing weekend. This is mostly a reminder to myself to actually write about it before the memory slips away. I'm just killing time as my computer scans itself uselessly while I try and figure out what's wrong with it. I'm just fucking exhausted from every goddamned step and every motherfucking thing being a fight for the past three weeks. Everything. Work, friends, family, free time, car, computer, clothes, eating, shoes, haircuts. Every. Fucking. Thing. I even got an error trying to post this earlier.

I really had forgotten how tiring it is to be pissed off all the time and I really wish I didn't have the opportunity to remember.

For every bit of venom that came out,
The antidote was had.

anger, self

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