1, 2, what's in the stew? 3, 4, no one's really sure.

Apr 04, 2009 12:09

Haven't done this in awhile. My Esquire came in and lo and behold, the What I've Learned this month is ... Sarah Palin. I used to take these and chop up the first bit of the sentence and finish the rest myself just because it was interesting to see what happened. As a side note, Sarah Palin sounds much more intelligent in text than out loud.

We had flutes... that vastly outnumbered pretty much any other single instrument in our band. One thing I remember about them was the fact I found out that if I read their sheet music and pretended it was on a bass clef, it sounded fine on my baritone. Guess that's a metaphor for something.

Everything... you're going to do in your work day is determined the first 30 minutes you're there. Everything worthwhile, anyway.

Bored... idle time has caused me more grief than any other single source of grief in my life.

I'll tell you, yesterday... I went into work feeling like a wreck because I had to drag my sick ass into the office two days in a row. I finally felt a bit better, but looking over the things I had done the two previous days made me realize that when your boss says "Go home, you're useless here sick," they're not just being nice.

You have to... wonder at the dichotomy of what's going on in regards to the economic situation here in America. On one hand, you have companies lining up for handouts because they believe their continued existence is integral to the identity and stability of the country, but then they turn around and balk at the terms of their rescue package because they believe that as captains of industry, they should somehow be insulated from the fallout and risk of heading a failed business. Let that soak in, guys - your business failed. You don't get to reap all the benefits of that risk when it goes well and then shrug it off when it doesn't work out for you - unless you're a Bush, I guess.

I would think... that Republicans would be less pissy about a formalization of the big business welfare system they've helped put in place over several decades.

If I were giving advice... to someone who is freaking out about their money (and I have often), it would be "stop freaking out about your money". The hot topic of the day is saying "in this economy" and "oh because of the economy" and "the economic crisis", but turning an eye to comedy and news for the past decade, the phrase "Well in this economy (insert negative assessment here)" has been alive and well for some time. Talking about it in order to seem like you're on top of current events is like saying you just figured out politicians may not be honest and going on about it without really doing anything. Yes it sucks, but sighing dejectedly about it in order to seem knowledgeable is annoying.

Maybe it's like... that year everyone was so certain Crane was going to dominate everything, and they went a good five or six months without winning anything major. Everyone kept squawking about it because they just wanted to be involved in the conversation.

I'd been a fan of SNL... since I saw some old Gilda Radner tapes my mom kept. When I heard that the person I was watching was dead, it was the first time I started to understand what real disappointment was.

My favorite place... is anywhere I can lean back, hear the breeze and feel the sun putting me to sleep while I read. When that's not available, the back row of a live show is a fine second place.

I eat, therefore I hunt... sort've. I think people underestimate the amount of effort and attention it takes to actually eat something even remotely fucking healthy anymore. We've gone from a tribal culture that has to learn which berries to avoid and how to kill boars without get gored, to a modern culture that has to sidestep all the shit everyone else is trying to kill us with that tastes good. It feels all the same to me in principle - hunting.

A courageous person... is the person who really knows what taking a hit for the team is. Fighting adversity or handicaps and whatnot isn't easy, but real courage comes from facing down that thing that's about to leave you maimed but alive to limp for the rest of your life. Sometimes it's stupidity, but sometimes you have to do it to get what you want or to stand up for what you think is important.

This is what... I do on Saturday mornings, now. Hungover or not, I get up at about 8, get some water, do my dailies on WoW, and clean up the house. If the weather is decent, I go bike riding down past Town Lake and do some reading. The rest of my day is up to the whims of my friends.

Fleece... is something I've been able to avoid entirely since moving to Texas. I'm pretty happy about that.

I know... that I probably won't have my current job forever, but it's the first job where if that's not true I wouldn't mind.

The secret to chili... is to make it as thick as possible. Excellent meat, vegetables, and spices are all important, but thin chili or even thick chili that seems watery is an abomination against man and God.

Carmex... is something that will always make me wary about a person. I don't know why (and I'm often wrong about this), but people who use Carmex all the time seem like insincere douchebags to me. It's irrational, and it bothers me because I like to think I'm a pretty fair and open minded person, but the instant I see someone unscrew that little yellow fucking cap...

The first place... I'm starting to feel my age is in my sock drawer. I have more black work socks than white whatever socks now.

Two meanings... is the minimum amount of interpretations you'll get when you tell two people the exact same thing.

Hot... food and I do not mix. At all. My palette has been described as terminally causasian, which has made my addiction to Mexican food pretty much an exercise in self-torture.

After a long day... I have a long evening. It might be the reason I'm so tense alot of the time, but I've never been the sort of person to have a tiring day, go home and unplug. I just move from one engaging activity to the next until I go to bed. I can't even relax in my sleep most of the time.

Hey get out of here
Nothing's measured and nothing's weighed
A dash of honesty in the recipe
And that's the first mistake you've made

esquire survey

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