Austin was pretty cool. The trip back and forth, however... let's just say thar 13 hours in a cramped room with anyone will start to tickle your angerbellum. Pretty sure that if I had to drive that long with even Mother Terry I would have had to end the homicide statement with "... I hated that sanctimonious ho." We stayed with Nikki in the suburb of Round Rock, and she took us around some. The whole place seems like things are being built no matter where you look, which is a nice metaphor for starting in a new place I suppose. Joe is sort of hemming and hawing about if he's going there or Houston, which from all accounts is a big urban craphole. The suburbs around Houston seem ok but everyone who lives in TX seems to give me the impression that the suburbs of Houston are like nice patios overlooking a lake of steaming poo.
It was finally made public that
Shawn and Rich are leaving L5R, which spells nothing good for the game and company. I wouldn't say it's really a deathknell or something equally dramatic like that, but it's not like when Ree left and everyone was like "oh holy crap thank god". Really I had been keeping an interest in the game for the story at this point and I will admit that there were several times I looked at Rich or Shawn's fiction and thought "holy god why did they do that." However, unlike previous GAMING WORLD ROCK STARS and whatnot, the prose didn't outright reek of 'hey I phoned this in' or give you the impression that while writing it the author was thinking to himself "I am such a literary genius jesus I wish I could rub my own nipples while I typed".
My name has now come up several times as a replacement for the great and powerful Wuman, and I would be lying if I didn't say I gave it no mind at all. The reality of it though is that AEG has made it pretty clear with Rich's case that anyone not in the office will not be treated like an actual employee... and I'm not moving to Cali. Further AEG just in general pisses me off with how unprofessionally they run things, and I'd probably just explode in a week. Finally, the company sometimes just seems to cruise by on fanboy enthusiasm - AEG has had endless ranks of people willing to work for free just so they can say "Hey I'm king shit I'm a TO!" - and I don't want to be the guy that I constantly made fun of. A few years ago, maybe, but now I'd want too much money and too much ... how you say - too much "Shutting the hell up and letting me do my job" than should be expected from them.
That being said, Kristy called me and asked if Kim and I were doing the LARP again this year. As much as AEG pisses me off from time to time I really do like doing the LARP, and if I have to deal with Kristy directly that will probably remove alot of the stress it causes. The flip of that is stupid, useless pride mostly. Mine, namely. We said last year was the final time we'd be doing it, and Shawn and Rich leaving has almost totally removed any personal loyalty I have to the company - with Ray, DJ, and even Jeff gone on top that, the only person I give a rat's ass about there anymore is Kristy. Kim and I will be going to GenCon anyway... fuck, I dunno.
In other news, I love chicken sangwichies.