Happy Fifth of Hangover

Jun 23, 2004 13:13

I barely had anything to drink, but I think managed to flat out dehydrate and strain myself enough to get a dry hangover for the first time in my life. What can I say - I am an impressive human being that knows no bounds. 4th came together okay, even though I decided to have people over on a whim that struck me at like 11:00 in the morning. My dad had his little pond retreat on his land, and I managed to find a few people who weren't already doing something. I think the last 4th I actually did anything for was a few years ago back when I was living in the duplex in Liberty. Rick "My Name Isn't Really" Raven pulled a bunch of us to his dad's lake property north of Liberty (I think the town was actually named Even Further Fucking Nowhere) and we had a pretty good time. I think it was the last time I called into work to hang out with my friends like a real little boy. On the downside, though, I don't want my last memory of the 4th to be hanging out with a guy who was eventually revealed as the psychotic mastermind behind a bunch of really fucked up drama. True story.

Highlights of zee 4th -

Adam managing to light a spark fountain sideways on accident, pointed towards his now hairless ankles.

Tyler thowing down the inevitable ROMAN CANDLE D-D-D-D-DUEL and Jake jokingly saying 'okay!'. Hopefully the burn on his throat won't scar.

The somewhat haunting and intimidating look Kim gave me when I said "Perhaps we should put that back". She cradled that thing like a baby.

Jake lighting one of those "three multicolored explosions things" and being the only one to notice how low-flying the initial explosion was. The secondaries almost killed everyone else who hadn't retreaded under the leanto.

Adam taking vengeance against every single spider he saw. Tiki torches + apparent vow to slay all spiders = entertainment.

The bar-b-que managing to psych me the fuck out, because charcoal is sneaky, and flaring up not twice, but three times and ruining some good eats.

Yes I blame the fire.

Anjin-san out.

4th of july, friends, drinking

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