Monthly update!

Jun 22, 2004 11:08

So let's see. All kinds of shit going down in the past 60 days. Been too busy to really put anything down in ye olde LJ - and by "too busy" I mean "I don't want to be one of those scary fucks who post every time the wind or temperature changes."

But if you are one of those scary fucks, I don't mean that as an insult. Honest.

First off, we moved. Finally got our asses up and out of Blue Springs and found an apartment that doesn't suck too much ass. No additional "pet rent", which is the absolute worst thing ever. Two bedrooms, decently sized all over. Two decks, one is about useless and the other is pretty ok. I think the main draw for me was how little this place costs for how hugenormous the floorplan is. Of course, it turns out our landlady is mildly psychotic, has no idea what she's doing, and this has already cost us some money. People coming in to replace our deck doors left the doors open, causing all sorts of fun "air conditioning" to escape into the city. Now, my father used to tell me that we indeed cannot air condition the whole neighborhood, nor should we try, but apparently these workers were never so enlightened. So the fuckers cost us some electricity in addition to putting grease stains all over the floor and breaking a wall clock. wtfawallclockman.

Also looking at getting a new car finally. Would probably have one right now if GenCon wasn't coming up, bringing up its myriad unforseeable expenses... and completey forseeable hundred dollar (plus!1!!!!11!!) bar bills for a single night. Took a test drive of a Vibe, which was actually alot better to drive than I was expecting. I like the design of the car and the specs, etc, but I figured it'd probably be as shitty-cramped as my Neon. Nice and roomy, even if I did try to kill Kim and the nice saleslady while I was test driving the thing. Only thing that irritates me is that the '05 models had the front changed to look like a fucking 80's Grand Am. Looks like my goddamned grandmother's old car from the front now, instead of the 'wicked hip' robot-looking grill it had on the '04 model. Fuckers. Probably not going to get the car till either end of August or end of Sept, depending on how the cash is making with the flow. I need to test drive an Exterra (Oh I apologize to all the "more exxxxxtreeeeeeme than u!" marketing Nissan puts out - it's an "eXterra") sometime just to see how it handles. It's the only small-SUV-ish vehicle that comes in a stick, which I think is just dandy, but I don't know too much about the gas mileage. Or just how huge the corners of the car are.

And job. Finally got a sort've "lateral promotion" (I can make up business terms and no one can stop me) at SBC into a position that is NOT COLLECTIONS. Further, it's not another shitty job, but business sales, where chances are people will act like reasonably professional human beings. This is in stark contrast to the usual calls I get, wherein the customer tries to convince me that since their child has asthma, they shouldn't have to pay their 900$+ collect call bill to Lady Fucking Cleo. Hello, bebbies, but I tink ye'er facking eensane. The other upshot is more money, weekends always off, and ... NOT COLLECTIONS. The downside is that since training starts August 2nd and runs for two freaking months, I can't take my week vacation and go to GenCon. I'm going in Tuesday to see if I can schmooze the training manager into letting me take that Friday off so I can at least fly out thursday morning and play in events I'd like to play in. Otherwise I'd be flying out friday and just watching the fun happen around me.

Far as ye olde gamying goes, I found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm seriously the fuck out of practice at L5R. I'm a really bad player, which I'm debating doing something about. Tyler also got us into the SC playtest, which is neat because the game doesn't actually blow like we were all sort've guessing.

In other news, pie is outstanding.

Anjin-san off.

work, apartment, money, car

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