New Year's, resolution.

Jan 05, 2003 01:16

So, everyone's gone. It's kinda funny that the house feels a little empty now, since I never figured I'd get that feeling here of all places. All things taken in, this year's party went off alot better than I thought it would. House wasn't overcrowded, no one broke my goddamned futon, no drama fights, managed to not drink myself into any sort of sickness, Rich actually enjoyed himself, and the tournament went off well. "Well" is a relative term, here, since the tournament was actually a comedy of errors the likes of which we haven't seen since people started growing grass on ceramic animals. I got to hang out with Mike and Ryan some, which was all good since I got to know them both a bit better and can rest assured there's at least two more "nice guy" sorts in the game that I've almost centered my life around at this point. Managed to keep on a relatively okay track as far as the current book assignment goes, too. I think the only down point was Aaron (DAMN YOU, AARON!) not giving me a moment's silence whilst playing Metroid. Curse you. Other than that, everyone was well behaved .. well, except when Tyler did the New Year's Nutshot on Ryan. Man. There's a pretty poor way to start off '03.

Now that everyone's gone, the horrible realization has set in - life will return to normal now. Vacation is nearly over, deadlines are looming, the checkbook is calling to be balanced, I have to return to work up in the SWB hizzy, and this heyah house has to be cleaned like fuxx0ring mad. I think one of the things that upsets me about all this is that I used to think that if I didn't have a "regular" day job I'd soon grow completely bored and not have anything to do with myself. This past week sure as pissfuck proved that wrong, which takes out another small pillar of tolerance for actually having to work a job I don't want. I seriously need to bust ass on this novel once Crab is finished. I know where I need to be and that's where it is. I've really determined writing is what I want to do, so now everything else seems like wasting time (jobwise). Time to raise up and off my ass and get down on it, as it were. What the hell am I getting down on? When I find out, I'll be sure to note it here.

I think I need to be a bit less serious, too. I noticed a reflex developing that reared its ugly head all weekend. The need to remain aloof and in control of everything around me. While most of the weekend it actually turned out pretty handy since no one knew what the ass was going on, it kept me from really just enjoying myself at certain points. As stupid as it is, Kim getting me that Cube and Metroid was probably a bigger boon that she realized. I've been whiling away hours just entertaining myself on it and not even thinking about "Dear god I have so much shit to get done!", which has been the primary thought in my head for about a year and a half straight.

Anywho, I should be getting to sleep but I'm hella not tired. Despite my best efforts, the past week threw my sleeping schedule straight to the shitty shitty. I think I'ma go play zee Metroid summore. $4mU$ 0w|\|z j00.

Anjin-san off.

new year's, games, self

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