
Oct 03, 2002 08:43

Kim an me went to bed kinda early last night - something to the tune of 11:30 or so. Aside from the "chronic traumatic night episodes" (apparently I'm too old to be having simply "recurring nightmares") I think I've gotten the best night's sleep I've had in quite a long time. Usually just remembering the damn things disturb me for hours after waking, but this time I'm left with a very strange sort of amusement at it. After the waking up terrified part. I seem to vaguely recall at some point all my past due debts being handed over to one single company and I was directed to drive there to settle everything. This company was, naturally, in Mexico and run by a fat porn king who had naked men and women as customer service representatives. I think the clincher was when the plan to pay off my debt was written with on a blackboard by a guy manipulating the chalk with his prehensile penis.

No, I can't remember what so goddamned scary that surrounded all of this "I don't speeky the english but I'll bury you in my tits if you don't pay" mafia-esque weirdness, and I'll go right on not remembering, thanks.

Archon coming up this weekend, we'll see how that goes. As with any sort of gathering with people and buildings, there's bound to be something happening. I'm sure it won't be bad or anything. I do know that there'll be more than one point over the weekend where I'll be glad I can slip away to the "Pro Room" or say "Oh, gee, gotta collect round results, sorry I can't listen to your tale of how someone else put it in your ear." Archon has always been a low-key sort of entertaining weekend, mostly because the only people I know that show up are uncaring about the outside world at large. Shawn, Rich, and Dan are all content to sit and exmine the lyrics of the "Great Mighty Poo's Theme" without talking smack on anyone but Dan's mother. And Bancroft. Hopefully I'll get out of work sometime early today so I can get the thing Kim and I were going to give to Rich and Shawn done, or ... well... I won't.

I actually did a count of all the mail I received in the past 24 hours and came up with the exact percentage of it that was spam. That number is a fucking lot, so my need to either make another Hotmail account (ohgodmyeyeswhydoesithurtmommy) or find some other place that does freemail has now become a goal to end the day with. That and getting my laptop to speeky the way I wanty. Dan was nice enough to hunt down some site with a huge assload of Transformers cartoon (the original one, not Pokeformers: Armada of Ass) sounds. Right now my goal in life is to have The Professor say "Arrogant flesh creature!" with Megatron's voice on startup. The problem is that all the files are Mp3's and Windows wants .wav's to play. Jed pointed me someplace to get a conversion file but it no worky. I'd screw with it now but I'm not gonna.

Anjin-san off.

tournaments, computers, dreams

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