(no subject)

Jan 08, 2002 17:44

Gotta keep up. I swear, my livejournal is just a collection of these bullshit (yet sadly entertaining) tests.

Needless to say, you are a man of few words. But when you do actually open up, you offer humorous and wise advice to all who surround you. You are known for being the quiet ring leader in hair-brained schemes that always seem to go wrong, but when it really counts you usually hit the nail on the head. You have given the entire male population the best dating council anyone has to offer, and let's not forget, you're an electrical genius. Ultimately, you're just fucking cool. Motherfucker's like McGuyver, no motherfucker's better than McGuyver!

I took the Buffy thing on Kim's journal and ended up as Xander. I have a feeling I'd be Giles if Giles had sex more than once every time Joyce got cursed by evil candy.

And finally, since I gave this out, but didn't put my results on my LJ - my DnD Stats
Str: 12
Int: 11
Wis: 15
Dex: 16
Con: 13
Chr: 17

As you can plainly see, it is a horribly untruthful test. I am both slovenly and moronic, much to the contrary of this damned thing.

Anyway, now that's done, I got my effing car fixed today. It was amazing how useless and trapped I felt today until the battery got replaced and Joe (the car) was good to go. Kim and I were worried that the altenator had gone bad, which would have been about $300 instead of the $40 it ended up being. Smooth sailing financially from here, I hope. Tax time coming up means I could also end up owing alot or getting alot back. I made next to nothing last year (and I'm still paying for it!), but I think some of the paychecks I'm getting aren't exactly... uh... taxed? So, I don't know if it's large enough that I should even claim the payment, because I know a certain amount the govt just ignores anyway.

Speaking of those paychecks. Current assignment was finished today, much to my happiness. Instead of last time, where I was praying to god to get it in on the deadline, I had most of the day to look over my finished stuff and keep re-sending it after I made some minor adjustment to it. It's a nice feeling. I'm gonna set a personal goal to get the next book turned in a week ahead of deadline - this "hitting it in the day" thing is fine and all, but (at the risk of sounding like a motivational assmonger) I can do better. And if I do that better, the whole project gets done alot better. I suppose a way to improve my position with the company is to quit just getting along.

My life has turned into Office Space. What a rip.

Anyway, for right now, it looks like it's time to just hold on and let time pass. What we're doing now is the best we can do to get ahead, so no sense in fussing over the other bullshit. It's a nice condition to be in, after all this time.

Anjin-san out.

work, memes, writing

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