Jun 08, 2001 10:02
That song by Ruby has been stuck in my head since the moment I woke up this morning. I have no idea why. It may have something to do with my dreams, but the damn frustrating part is that I can hardly remember them in detail. That's probably a good thing, because for the past few years, all I have are nightmares. There's been a couple nights scattered in there where I just didn't have a dream (I'm suddenly wondering if maybe I just forgot the nightmare I had), but those have been very far between. Dreams are interesting things to me, because I don't know what the hell they are, why we have them, or what they're supposed to mean. Something I do know is that my dreams are horribly surreal, frightenening, and disjointed. I've stopped trying to compare them to other people's, because they generally give me one of those "Crap. That's really fucked up," looks. Their dreams are relatively realistic, with people and events that happen in a nice order. Mine sure as hell aren't. Have you ever seen The Cell or any given Tool video? That's what they're like. Creepy scenes, switching every so often at random. One of these days I guess I'll start writing them down and making my millions.
Oh god, my girlfriend is talking about our sex life in her journal. ... er... No, I'm not going to tell you who she is, damnit.
It's funny how life is, sometimes. I don't know why I threw that in there, I guess it just needed to be said.
About yesterday's entry that got cut off, let me see if I can continue that train of thought... I judge people alot, honestly, but I always try to keep an open outlook on things. Being judgemental is probably a bad habit to get into, but (and here's the scary part) I'm usually right. I suppose I've dealt with enough people on differening ends of the personality scale to have a pretty firm grip on what's what. Every now and again it bothers me how detached I feel from most people, even the ones that I see alot. With a couple of exceptions, I could probably get up and walk away from the people in my life now and never look back without a problem. I think that reflects pretty piss-poorly on me, since it indicates how shallow my friendships are, and in turn how shallow I am. You can judge a person by the company he chooses to keep, and I think mine says I'm not interested in making close friends. In about ten years, I guess I'll have to sit down and pay a shrink to teach me how to blame my parents for my shortcomings in my personal relationships. Heh. It's not that I feel above my friends or anything, I just don't feel comfortable getting personal and close with people.
Ah well, I suppose it's time for shower and mini-wheats. Mmmm, mini-wheats.
Anjin's off!