We are supposed to have our new sectional sofa delivered today. And by "today" I mean "probably sometime between 8:30 and 12:30." Are you kidding me? The furniture store is literally down the street from me! Can I maybe get a better time frame? Blah! I sent Punk and Jennifer out to play so that she wasn't in the house all morning begging to watch
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I would like to hear more about what relaxes you, what music makes you emotional.I am not very good at relaxing. At all. I am not very good at doing nothing, or lounging around, or whatever. But I do like to have fun! So these are some of the things I think are fun: spending time with Jen, hanging out with friends, going to the ocean, hiking/
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I have this song in my head and I don't even know most of the words, so it is driving me bonkers! It is a churchy song and I know that it was originally a Spanish hymn but has been translated into English. I tried to Google it and came up empty. I am going mad. MAD I TELL YOU!
Oh Jesus, you have looked into my eyes
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Does anyone out there on teh internets have Peter, Paul and Mary CDs that they might want to *cough*burn*cough* share with me? I'm a big PPM nerd but all of my stuff is on cassette tape (yeah, I've been a big nerd for a long time) and I'd really like to listen to them again without having to go get one of the stereos set up
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So it was amazing. They not only played "Devotion" which they don't always play and I love, but Amy belted out "Romeo and Juliet" which I don't think I've EVER heard on stage. So awesome. Also "Midnight Train to Georgia" which isn't unusual at all but it always lovely. WHOO-WHOO
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