Realm Guard: Rangers of the North -
@ the BW site,
@ the LJ @ SG Yes, a Mouse Guard hack for the 4th Age of Middle Earth, where the players are Dundedain Rangers. The setting stuff is really cool, distilling Middle Earth right down to its bones and allowing the M.E. historians to bring it if that is what they want to do and letting me go for the feel. I kinda can't wait to play it. More MG hacks, puh-lease.
I can't think of another game with MG's structure, though, another genre where the players aggressively attack the GM's conflicts in some kind of a mission and then during the Player's Turn go about their home business and deal with their missions aftermath. Hm. Like, D&D has the dungeon and then the town afterwards but that is totally different./sarcasm
Blood Red Sands -
@ the Forge,
@ SG &
Play Aids Here As Ralph posts: "A competitive, in your face, testosterone fueled role playing experience in a brutal, over the top, heavy metal world of savagery and dark sorcery." It sounds like Dictionary of Mu's gamist cousin.