Putting the World of Darkness to rest via Mortal Coil

May 07, 2009 02:22

It is late and I miles to go before I sleep. Hear that, Butterfly? Miles to go before you sleep.

Mortal Coil Revised is sitting there on my bed, taunting me with its purty pictures and revised text. In a few days I'll get to take a gander at it. When I brought Mortal Coil home from Gen Con '0X I really thought it was going to be my go-to game of that year, my Dogs in the Vineyard and I GMed it a few times and liked it, especially the theme document stuff but something wasn't quite cooking and I couldn't put my damned finger on it. Here's to hoping the revised text put's that baby to bed for me.

I've always wanted to put the old World of Darkness to bed with that game, where everyone plays the named characters from each line: Cain from Masquerade, King David from Dreaming, Charon from Oblivion, Some Werewolf dude from Apocolypse and some Mage dude from the Ascension (little help on those last two?) and we play out the end of that world through an arc or two. It'd be neat to take the parts of that fiction that we enjoyed and use Mortal Coil's magic to make it all do what we always wanted it to do.

I have one last paper to write and after that Mortal Coil will be waiting on the table next to my bed and my poker chips will be itchy for action.
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