Dec 12, 2004 21:19
This weekend was fun. I spent all day Saturday and Sunday taking a class to learn how to ride and operate a motorcycle. There was the obligatory class time where you had to watch dumb ass videos and answer questions from a book. But a majority of the time both days was actually spent on a bike learning the basic bike operation and street maneuvers.
The act of wanting to take the class was mostly brought on by other people I know at Karate. For some reason more an more people have been getting bikes and I wanted to see what all the hullabaloo was about. And after doing some of the things this weekend I can tell where the interest lies. Damn things could turn someone into an adrenaline junky.
Now, before some of you go off and start bitching me about this, don't. I've already gotten an ear full from my sister and my mom is none to pleased as well. Also, I have no intention of buying a motorcycle in the near future. I can't say it won't happen, but not definitely not anytime soon.