Jan 11, 2006 16:03
Just as I was all set to apply for this Bio technician job in Urbana, the stupid kids had to go and say good things about me and my class today. It's like they knew and so they all decided to be good today. I still think I'm going to apply for that job though, mainly because it's quite a bit more pesos/franks/euros than my current job.
I'm sitting here at 4:00 waiting for 6:00 at the school. I got suckered into some meeting last Wed. not knowing that it meets every Wed.
I'm trying to think if I've got any stories, hmm...
My classroom lizard died now, I've been labeled the "Grim Reaper." I had my first I'm really uncool moment today. While talking about Gregor Mendel, I told the class that he did not get any recognition for his work while he was alive. As uncool as that already sounds, I went on and said the following phrase to the class:
"His peeps did not give him any props for his work"
As soon as I said it, there was complete silence, except for one student who shook her head and said "Oh man, that was bad" I agreed with her and moved on.
That is all for today