
Nov 12, 2005 17:32

Waiting is something that I really hate to do. I hate waiting for:

- people that are late
- movies to come out
- sleep
- lines (store or amusement)
- the Cards to win a damn World Series
- finding a desperate desperate girl to engage in sexual relations
- a bathroom when I've got to piss
- Wal-Mart to get my oil change done
- Wal-Mart to get my 1 hour photo (usually 2 hr.) done
- the sweet release of death

On the other hand I do like the movie "Waiting", so I guess that's one aspect of waiting I do enjoy. Why do I bring this up you ask? Well I am currently waiting for Dave H to sew his testicles back on so we can leave for Springfield. He said it would be an hour, but you know how that goes. He is currently shopping with his long-time girlfriend and Post Dirty Dave sweetheart Shannon. Unless they are shopping for more condoms to have sex before he leaves, this is a poor excuse to take so long. Even still he's had all day to have sex, so he needs to hurry his ass up. You girls and your death grips on your boyfriends, how dare you steal our friends. Oh well.

So... how's it going world? Are you still depressed over that whole exsistence and all? I would have definitely cut my throat about 4.6 million years ago if I was you. At least then you wouldn't have to put up with lifeforms trampling all over you. How dare they treat you like a cheap floozy. If I were you I would start taking charge and blowing some sweet magma from the bowels of yourself. So are you ever going to tell us the "real story" of life or keep it a secret like a f-in prick? You are so damn conceited. I can't believe I'm even friends with you. In fact, I've got something to tell you. Everybody has been calling you a huge DOUCHBAG behind your back. Stop crying like a little bitch and start acting like a superpower. You can always show them and commit a form of genocide. I pretty sure it was the Jews that were doing most of the name calling. Things seem to always change when you screw with the Jews, so why don't you give it another shot. Just don't tell them that I told you this. Well have a good one World, I think I'm gonna go drink some of your fermented products and pass out on your soft comfy grass that you have provided me. I bid you adieu.

And to the rest of you, Good evening

P.S. Hey world stop killing my parents animals. My mom was pretty upset about Otis dieing (this statement is true by the way). Later
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