(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 20:13

What happens when you put and inflatable canoe and a drunk man together?
Answer: A hilarious event that may or may not have involved a concussion

Terry thought up a brilliant idea of getting 3 guys on each side of the canoe to lift him up and over this porch/balcony at Mike's apt this weekend. The plan was to land cleaning and slide down the hill into the woods. On 3.... 1.... 2..... 3, and instead of throwing him onto the ground we flip the canoe over the porch/balcony, which caused Terry to land pretty much directly on his head. Much laughter ensued.

Homecoming was pretty good. We didn't have the whole gang there, but most of them were present for the festivities. I think I make a bigger deal of it all now, then when I was in college. In college, when someone tried to wake me up for the parade, I usually gave them the finger and pulled the covers over my head. I actually was part of the crew in rounding up the troops for the parade this year.

So I bet you are all wondering a few questions about now, such as:
So Neil did you get laid? Umm no
BJ? No
handjob? No
Kiss a girl? No
Talk to a random strange girl? No
Are you gay? No
Are you sure? Yes

Actually I did talk to a few random chicks, but was basically ignored mostly. Luckily I had my good friend alcohol to lift my spirits when I was down. Alcohol was like "Dude, screw that chick, she's probably got syphillis anyway. Now chug me as fast as you can"

I ran into Krazy Karl (Carly) on the street with her friend Ashley. Ashley was hilarious. She kept wanting to Hi-Five for no aparent reason and I can never leave people hanging, so I just kept Hi-fiving away.

Well everyone in Live-Journal land I better get going, but I need to mention that next weekend we are throwing a going away party for Zack Manhart (he's going to flight school). So if you know Zack or even if you don't, you are welcome to join the festivities. Here are the plans,

Day: Saturday Oct. 22
Where: Either Holthaus Pond or my parents house, they're about 1 mile away apart
What to expect: Well it's by a pond so probably 5 or 6 big splashes sometime during the evening
What to wear: I'd say jeans and a hoodie, maybe even a stocking cap. And shoes, don't forget shoes
What to bring: Umm let's see, how bout the product from the process of fermentation.
Who to expect: I heard Jesus was gonna be there, at least that's what Judas told me (for a price)
Will there be cake: I hope so
Will you get to see Corby fall in the pond and then puke hardcore: odds are 2:1, place your bets
How many times will you hear Willy say "Does a 1 legged duck swim in circles": at least 6
Will Zack be singing Stevie Ray Vaughn: Does a 1 legged duck swim in circles?

Ok, be there
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