So chapter 14 is now up on the homepage and but if you go to my website you can get the 'extra special version' I can't/won't post on - the NC17 version.
FIND IT HERE! I know there's lots of smut on but since I recall they'd sort of banned it, I'm not willing to post it and get banned, so the version on will be a more M version and people can choose to go to my homepage to read the smut. Of course, if they're subscribers to the PRIU2 Yahoo group they'll get the smut version and can chose to go to the website to get the non-smut version.
I can't remember how long it has been since I actually wrote an NC chapter of a fanfic, and as I mention in my author notes I had to remember how to write a sex scene in a fanfic again. Thanks goes to Shawn and
p_g_w_4ever for the pep talks.
Now, off to dinner and a movie with the hubby - Captain America in 3D! And the Avengers trailer too!!
Ms. J.