[MWR] Kindred: The Embraced quote

May 05, 2009 22:22

[Follows THIS. Only binding on likely_evil.]

“I'm alone. The only thing that eases the pain of loneliness is family. The irony of my kind.”

“Son of a bitch.”

“Does he always swear like that?”


Two voices, both male. One was Castiel, one was a man he didn’t recognize, and for the moment, his head was throbbing far too much to care. He kept his eyes closed, one hand coming up to cover them with a groan, while the other managed to grab a hold of whoever had just placed their hands on his shoulders. It wasn’t really to hold him down, and he realized that much when he felt one of them come up and circle his wrist, pulling the hand away gently.

“Lemme see.”


“Who else would it be?” came the smart response delivered in a thick accent. “Just lemme see.”

He stopped fighting her, leaning back against the bed and letting her look at him. He felt her hands wander, checking him over for other injuries, before he felt her hands on the side of his face.

“Now look at me?” He cringed at first, before forcing his eyes to open, and wincing at the bring light behind her. She frowned, looking him over, before sighing slightly as she pulled back. “Looks like you gotta concussion. Just take it easy for a little while, alright?”

Dean nodded slowly, as his eyes adjusted to the light and he started to sit up a little more. Across the room from him, Castiel was sitting in his usual tax accountant attire, but it was the other man standing next to him that had Dean’s attention. Right off the bat, he didn’t like him. He gave him the creeps in the same way that Azazel gave him the creeps-he was powerful as all get-out, and there was probably very little that Dean could do to stop him if this guy was on the offensive. Angel, demon-none of that really mattered to him anymore. All he cared about now was levels of power, and what he had to do to take them out. Trusting something other than human-with the exception of Castiel-was not on the menu anymore. He glanced between they two of them for a moment, before glancing around the room.

“Where’s Chuckles?” Dean glanced over at Castiel with a dry smirk. “You two have a lover’s spat?”

Big Guns raised an eyebrow at that one that spoke of clear disapproval, while Castiel rolled his eyes. He did that, quite often. “Dean, this is Gabriel.”

He and Gina glanced at each other for a moment, before Dean raised an eyebrow back. “Wait a sec-the Gabriel? Messenger of God Gabriel, Archangel Gabriel, mentioned every other chapter of the Bible Gabriel?”

“You actually read the Bible?” The supposed archangel replied. Dean was surprised-instead of Cas’s usual monotone punctuated with heavy sighs, this guy actually managed some inflection. There was a heavy dash of skepticism and a lot of annoyance. Possibly a bit of amusement. Dean couldn’t be sure.

“I’ve had some downtime,” Dean replied quickly, before kicking his legs over the side of the bed and looking at the two angels. “So what’s up? Demons coming to kill me again? Because it’s really starting to get kind of old.”

Gabriel sighted slightly. “We need to talk.”

“I figured as much.” Dean watched as the angel’s eyes drifted towards Gina, who was sitting next to him, and Dean glared right back. “Anything you need to say to me, you can say in front of her.”

“Nah, Dean, it’s alright,” Gina said with a sigh, before squeezing his shoulders lightly. “I’m gonna go see if anyone else needs my help.”

“Go with her,” Gabriel said to Castiel. “Make sure she stays safe.”

Dean raised an eyebrow in Castiel’s direction, surprised. He was pretty sure that on some twisted level, Gabriel was trying to earn his trust, but Dean didn’t trust many angels. It was pretty much Castiel and that was it. By sending the angel he trusted the most to look after one of the most important people in his life, he was trying to show that he got what Dean was thinking. However, that didn’t really change the fact that Dean didn’t trust this angel as far as he could throw him. End of story.

Castiel and Gina disappeared out the door, and Dean turned his attention back to the angel in front of him. “So. What’s so important that you needed me all by my lonesome?”

“Your brother was at that battle today.”

Dean’s head shot up at the statement before frowning. “Wait-what? Where? Is he okay?”

“He’s fine,” Gabriel replied, dismissing his concern quickly. “That isn’t the matter at hand.”

“If it isn’t, then why did you bring it up?”

“To let you know that we’re keeping up our end of the bargain. And making sure that you know that some lines get blurred rather easily. Your brother and his demons aren’t our concern, and at the end of the day, they’re not part of the bigger picture.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know,” Dean leaned forward, burying his face in his hands. “If Sam dies in this mess, you guys couldn’t be happier. I’ve been getting that speech since this war started.”

“Good. I’m also here to tell you that things among angels might not always be as they seem.”

That got Dean’s attention in a big way. His head snapped up and his eyes narrowed, not sure what he was supposed to make of that statement. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that even angels are capable of straying from the line,” Gabriel crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Not all the angels are looking to stop this war. You need to be careful who you trust.”

“Look, I don’t trust a lot of angels. In fact, I only trust one, maybe two if I’m feeling generous. And now you’re telling me that I shouldn’t?”

“I’m just saying,” Gabriel replied carefully, “that angels can be just as devious as demons are. And that if you have a feeling that any of the angels you work with might be straying to the wrong side-we need to know about it so that we can deal with them accordingly.”

Dean just stared back at him for a minute. “Are you telling me you want me to play angel spy?”

“Not something quite as-elementary, but yes.”

“You know what? Why me, huh? I couldn’t care less about your friggin’ angel politics, why do you want me to figure these things out?”

“Because the lives of you and everyone you care about depend on it. If a rogue angel is in your ranks, you really think that all your friends are going to make it out alive?”

Dean paused for a moment before looking up at him with a glare. “I hate you sons of bitches. Just so we’re clear.”

“Crystal. Also, don’t mention this to Castiel.” Gabriel crossed his arms in front of his chest. “He’s one of the ones I want you to keep an eye on.”

Dean swallowed that one. He hoped that Gabriel knew what he was doing, and what he was expecting Dean to take on, poking doubts in the armor that came with being the only angel Dean really trusted. He didn’t complain though. He just shouldered the burden, and hoped to high heaven that Castiel wasn’t one of the ones straddling the line. Because Dean didn’t know if he trusted himself enough to turn him in.

“Yeah. You got it.”

1253 words

verse}: war cry, with}: castiel, with}: gina ranghetti, with}: gabriel

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