I TRY to be good

Apr 23, 2013 23:54

This morning, I woke up very late.

After shoveling Tequila Jane into her school clothes and pushing her out the door, I left the house (after the second morning without showering - thank you, Second Shot, for your contribution to the survival of the rebellion.)

I walked down a block, and tried to hail a cab. There were no cabs.

minutes minutes late late late.

Then, there was one cab, a block away. I raised my hand. A dude stepped out between the cars 10 feet from me and waved for it.

I thought - "Fuck you, dude - that's my cab!" I started moving.

Then I saw he had a cane. I stopped.

I thought - "I'm LATE! Also, fuck you, dude with a cane, that's my cab."

He glanced uptown toward me. He was wearing a priest's collar.

I thought - "Really? But...Come on! Priest with a cane! I am still late! Fuck you! That's my cab!

He turned a little further. It was the priest who married Mr. Angel and I.

The light changed. The cab pulled up.

I thought....Okay. I guess that's your cab.

It turns out that to snipe a cab from me, you have to be a crippled priest with a cane who married me.

I feel good about that standard.

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