Oh, hello then.

Dec 16, 2012 01:56

Casually surfing around LJ, I read that many people are doing a friending meme (because that seductive temptress tumbler has lured so many people away.)

I cannot do a meme! For it is 2:00 am and all the many people in this family have been sick to their stomach in the last week, also Tequila Jane had surgery, (successful. unrelated to throwing up.) Second Shot has a diaper rash visible from space, and I have not done one little bit of the christmas shopping.

But I miss fandom!

And so I say - Hello! I am present and accounted for.

I tried to sign up for yuletide this year, but the AO3 invite thing told me that it would be 6 months before they would speak to me.

Meanwhile, I have read A LOT of Avengers fic. I would really like more great het sex re: Steve Rogers.

And scene.
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