We still have freedoms because people, both soldiers and civilians, have died. So why do people protest? Why do they go over to funerals and protest? Let the families of the dead have at least that day to themselves.
Don’t give us just one part of the news. Give it to us all. Let people see the good and the bad, not just the bad. The press is supposed to show us all, not just parts. You show us everything when people get killed by murders over here, show us all the war.
Think about how you feel if you’re family members were over there. If you were over there. Yes, you are over there but how many go into danger everyday? How many of you stay in your hotels and etc protected? How many actually try to give us all the news not just some?
If we don’t get our heads out of our butts we might not be alive in a few months or even years. We might be slaves, or not living in a free country anymore. Our lives might be worse than what it is now.
Stop fighting among yourselves and gather together. Remember the wars, where the whole country was behind the military. Remember the families that have to see the protests everyday. That never know when they will get a call to go over. Or a knock that brings their fears to life. That have to keep quiet on how they feel while others can protest this war.
I might not understand this war but I still believe in our military. I still believe in America. I still believe in the freedom of speech. Just hear both sides not just one side.
I still believe. Do you?
We were born with it
We will hopefully die with it
Soldiers die everyday for it
They go knowing they may never be back
Because they believe in it
Believe others should also have freedom
Not just some
Civilians go to help rebuild
They go to help give and show freedom
They die sometimes
But still they go
When will it stop, these protests
When will we remember why
Why the USA is still around
Is still free
Is it because we gave up
Because we were cowards
Or because millions believed
Believed enough to fight
Everyday for all of us
We fought for freedom from England
For our beliefs in every war
The war of 1812, civil war, etc
We fought to defend in WW1 and WW2
We fought for others and for ourselves
We fought and won some
Lost some
But still we fought
We never gave up
Never let freedom pass by
We fought and still are fighting
Freedom is all around us
We just need to remember why
Why we still have freedom
Why we still fight for freedom
Remember freedom