So I found some old thoughts/beliefs/opinions from 2009.

Mar 08, 2012 20:07

I still believe in some of them but decided to share and see what you all think.


How can people forget? Like the Holocaust, the whole WII, September 11th, and others. Why do you want to forget, especially someone who lived through it?

I can understand, kind of. You lived through it once. No one wants to live through their nightmare, ‘The Holocaust, again. But we can’t forget, we shouldn’t forget. To forget is to let the Nazi’s and Taliban win. To forget is to let other dictators stay in power.

Dictators aren’t good. Some can be. Maybe when they started out they were for the people. Now though the dictators are for themselves only. People are afraid to stand up.

The ones that do are kicked again and again. But still they get up. They show the world their problems to get help. Help comes. Maybe not right away or in a few years but it comes.

The world needs to remember. To show why people keep on living. The one thing about the Holocaust we all remember is that over 6 billion Jews died. But do we know this?

Jews weren’t the only ones persecuted by Hitler and his allies. So were Christians, Indians, Islamic, Hindus, Buddhism, and others.

Nazi Germany didn’t like anyone different. Hitler’s Germans were blond and blue eyed. At least his version of perfection was.

Not all were though. As WWII started, Germany was in power in a lot of places. So was Russia, then the Soviet Union. The two countries were friends. Until Germany invaded them. How many Germans where Hitler’s perfection? How many weren’t?

We need to remember that not all of the soldiers were Germans, Romanians, Italians, etc. In the battle for the Soviet Union, Germany used Russian soldiers. Soldiers that were prisoners made to fight for Germany. So who was a Jew? A Catholic? A Muslim? Or were there none in the Nazi army?

Do you think every religion hid or was taken to the concentration camps? Some, almost all fought. No one wanted to go without a fight. No one.

Why forget? Did we think it wouldn’t happen again? Can’t happen again?

If we forget it can and will happen again. We need to remember. Remember and learn from our pasts and our present. Make our future better for everyone. Not just our children, all children.

It hurts to remember. Hurts to read children and adults dying for no reason. No reason other than people want power. Power to rule, power to suppress others, suppress freedom.

I’ll admit I don’t like the thought of a socialist government. I don’t like the government controlling everything. But maybe it’s for the best. Not forever but a few years. Just to bring peace.

Peace…They say war brings peace but peace can bring war. Think about it. The Palestine’s don’t want the Jews, Israel. Islam doesn’t want any religion except theirs to rule. Basically the same with any religion today.

Oh, they say they are not all the same. But all religions are. Maybe not the old ones that worship Gods and Goddesses. But then again…Religions all have things in common. The first and foremost? Belief.

Beliefs in Gods, Goddesses, the earth, magic, etc. Belief followed by Faith. Faith that it is real. How else do religions come about?

Maybe a socialist government will help us understand each other better. Maybe it won’t. But will it hurt us to try? Truly will it hurt us in the long run?


It’s hard to understand the views of the Holocaust. It’s hard to understand views on anything. So many different views. So many people think they are correct. The only ones that matter.

But isn’t that what makes humans unique? That we have the ability to think, to observe, to change?

If we have this ability, this uniqueness, why is it still hard? Why does no one seem to listen, to care?

Sure humans say lets change and listen but do we really? Especially about our pasts?

I don’t believe we do. In my opinion if we remember what others went through half of what goes on today wouldn’t. Humans say we want peace but do we fight for it? With our whole hearts? Not just tiny pieces, all pieces. Every nation, every human hast to fight, to believe that we can achieve peace. Then we, the humans, need to do it! To bring peace to the earth.

It will be hard yes but we can do it. It won’t be in my time or my children’s or even my grandchildren’s time. Peace will come.

War brings peace. Peace brings what? Emptiness? No, fullness. Sadness? Happiness.

We, the people, all the people not just a few, need to stand up. To say what we want to.

It’ll be hard. I know that. But believe in all of us and it can be achieved.

Peace forevermore.

Sometime in 2009 (after the first two were written probably)


If you believe humans can fall in love with anyone how can you condemn more than one lover or incest?
Does it really matter if God thinks homosexuality is a sin or not?
How can we condemn one to death and not others who are worst?
Why does no one want to do anything about genocide?
How can we forget about past wars and genocides? Doesn’t that go against everything we say?

thoughts, mine, personal

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