I just noticed...

Mar 23, 2007 20:52


You wonder why I do this
Why I put my self through this torture
I thought you understood.
It’s for you that I do this
For you I put my life on the line everyday
For you I take this criticism, this hurt
I do this again and again
If only to keep you safe

I just noticed that this seems to apply to John/Rodney, Speed/Horatio, Danny/Mac, Don/Danny,
Gibbs/Tony, Eric/Ryan, Grissom/Greg, Nick/Greg, Grissom/Nick, Nick/Warrick, etc. At least I think it does. Let me know what you all think please? I'm going thru my poems trying to organize them and that's how I found it. Probably will find more. Put them in if I do.

Question, What would be a good place to send my poems to? I mean to see if I can get published. And where is some good researching places(Places I can research before sending my poems out)? Also any help would be appreciated.

Edit 1:
Emotions/Without You

I stare at you
You stare at me
We try not to let our emotions show
But they do

Only we can see them
Only we have the power to do something about them
Do you want me?
Because I sure want you

I want your love
I want your happiness
I want your sadness
I want your anger
But most of all I want you

My emotions are haywire
Because you’re here
I don’t know how to express this feeling
All I know is that I’m a whole lot better because you’re here

My life finally makes sense to me
I owe it all to you, I owe everything to you
Without you I don’t know how I will make it through life
Without you what reason do I have to stay here?
None without you

Edit 2:

You say I should breathe,
I should cry when I can’t
You say I should tell them
How can I when the person is you?
I don’t want to get hurt,
I don’t want to loose you in anyway
Do you know how much you mean to me?
Do you realize that I can’t breathe when you smile at me?
Do you notice that I will do anything to hear your voice?
The voice that I think of all the time
That makes me want to stop, just to listen and enjoy
You are my soul to me
Without you I could never do what I do
I want to stop breathing
Just to hear you, just so I have your attention once
Do you realize that you are my breath?
Do you realize all my mistakes, me at all?
My soul, my breath

Edit 3&4:

I stare out this window
Looking into nothing
This abyss, this hole
Is bleeding heavily
Never slowing, never stopping
It will keep on bleeding until there is nothing left
Nothing alive to keep on fighting

It hurts to stand up
It hurts to fight
It hurts to know that I am killing you
Just as you are killing me

I try to not let it touch me
I try to go on as if I’m untouchable
But I’m not, especially when it concerns you

I can’t do this forever
Acting like it doesn’t hurt
When it does
It hurts my soul

I’m breaking apart
Slowly piece by piece
I’m breaking and nothing will be able to put me back together
I’m hurting from the pain
The anguish of guilt
Of sorrow, horror
Realizing that no matter what I do it will never be enough
Enough to bring you back
Though I try

I can’t keep this up much longer
But I will
I keep on fighting
Praying that one day you will come back to me
When I know deep in my soul you will never be back

No matter how long it takes
No matter how hurt I am
I will never give up
Until you are back in my arms

Even if it is never
Even if it takes forever
I will be waiting
Never giving up
No matter how much I want to
No matter how much it hurts
I will never give up

Believe in me, I believe in you

You swore you would always be there
I believed you
Until you hurt me
Now I’m trying to get on with my life
Without you
Where are you when I need you?
Will you ever be back?
I want to love you again
I want to be under you again
To hear you scream me name as you come

Love my inside beauty not my outside beauty
I might be ugly but in side I’m as beautiful as the stars
I care for you and I want you to care for me
I love you though I want to hate you
Hate me, love me I don’t mind
Just talk to me
Let me hear your voice one last time

I cry out and no one hears me
I need you, I want you
Please come to me
Help me through this rough time
Help me believe in you, trust you again
Help me through this time in my life
I love you
Love me back
I want to care for you
In a way no one has cared for you before
I want to watch you forever

Know that you will be in my heart forever
No matters what happens I will never stop
Love you forever
Through thick and thin
Forever be yours
Forever be mine
No matter what happens in the future

I believe this poem applies to what I'm thinking but I might be wrong. Either way please let me know if you read. Thanks again. I think that is enough for tonight. Need to do other things now.

poems, research, slash

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