The long poem

Dec 17, 2010 21:18

Explanations at the end.

‘Seasons of Hurt, Seasons of Living’


Winter can bring up and downs

This year is in between

I’m up one moment

Down the next

No clue how to stop

To get back to normal

Where I’m in between

Not this up and down all the time

I want my life back

To be able to breath without freaking

To know that when I wake

My day will be better than the last

Not worse

I want to cry without offending anyone

To scream out my sorrow

My pain, anger, joy

I just want to do what I love

Not have people whispering behind my back

To not be looked down on because of who I love

To smile and not be afraid of hurt

Of pain

To not be ridiculed for my looks

For my voice

My face

My way of looking at life itself

I want to be happy

To know that my love is returned

Not laughed at

Tears run down my cheeks

As I watch them bury him

My life, my soul, everything

I move on though

I have to, they need me

It hurts

This winter

Will it ever be better

Will the pain ever leave

Spring is just around the corner

It’ll still hurt

Still bring pain

Every time I think of him

I’ll make it though

I’ll make it through

Until we meet again

In whatever season

Just let me make it


All I’m asking for

Is strength

Strength to get through these years apart

Strength to live

To stand up for what I believe in

To not back down

To stay and be who you wanted me to be

I don’t care about race or gender

Why should it matter

We fell in love

We stayed together

Through the pain, the happiness

Through it all

Seasons passed

Winters came and passed

None hurt though as much as this one

I lost a huge part of me

But gained the knowledge of love

Of what the world is going through

How much certain actions hurt others

I finally realized why I hurt

Why pain was in my life

I was wrong

I admitted it

I fell but got back up

It hurt but I went on

I go on

No matter how many winters are passing

Seasons in themselves pass

I go on

You are here

Maybe not in flesh

In my soul though

You are here

This was written for my aunt, my uncle, myself, for everyone who hurts, who goes through pain. Hopefully someone will benefit from this. From having my thoughts written out, maybe I can help someone else. One day or even today, this is for us all.

real life, work, poem

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