Dec 13, 2005 03:59
I use these phrases and never know exactly what they mean. It's something to do with the first World War, and is film title too, but apart from that I'm lost. Silly little ignorant girl.
It took me about a year to notice a spelling mistake on my info page biography. Shame on me.
I understand why 4AM is the suicide hour. Where the fuck is everyone? This is what I meant by sitting alone in my room brooding. This ALWAYS happens. EVERY NIGHT. At 4AM. I sit here, on my own, can't sleep, talking to myself cause NOBODY ELSE IS ALIVE.
I think I should just go home now. I've not left the house in days, not been to lectures in weeks. What's the point in me staying in Newcastle? At least if I was at home missing my lectures I would be at home with people who love me. Sure it's a biological obligatory love, but it's better than nothing.
Oh, and officially am the last turkey on the shelf now. This does not help current biological clock mid-life-crisis-20-years-too-soon issues, no.
Huh, who'da thunk it? The word "biological" used twice in one post in different contexts.
Why yes, I am easily distracted. What of it?