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"Romance Advice From the Gangster of Love II"
Dear Gangster: I'm having a love affair with a woman at work. The strange thing is that we've never met. We writer each other on e-mail or talk on the phone every day and we get along great. I'm seriously considering leaving California and moving to Ohio where she lives. I can't stop thinking about her! She's witty, intelligent, fun, and physically fit. Should I throw caution to the wind and make the big move?
By the way, I'm unhappily married and have two kids.
- Columbus Bound
Dear Bound: I once mail-ordered a pair of x-ray glasses sight unseen. Very disappointed. But I'm hard to please. I think what you have to do is sit your family down in a small room and say very clearly, so even you can hear yourself, "I'm so unhappy I'm willing to leave all of you for someone I've never met."
By the way, how fit is she?
It's that time of the year again! The LHS Players' production of Grease goes on Thursday, and it's Tuesday, meaning everybody thinks the play sucks and hates each other. We're all phoning it in at this point, which is nothing new... eh. I guess I've grown apathetic to the hell week process, because I know by the time I'm backstage Thursday night I'm going to be on an adrenaline high. I always am. Maybe I'm taking it for granted.
I don't know what to make of the girl situation. I remarked to Bobbo earlier that I'm probably the only person who can dip his finger into four different cookie jars and still not get a piece, and by God it looks that way. I could always hook up with Buck Nasty, but my motives in that situation would be far from pure and really? I'd hate myself if I did it. I'm rather enjoying the self-love, losing it would suck.
I'm afraid that I'm hanging around with uptight people too much right now and that their uptight-ness is rubbing off on me. I mean, I used to think of myself as the kind of guy who would blow a puff of smoke right in your face, but now while I'll still do that I make sure to mention that I'm clean for ten months (ten and a half, actually). I'm pursuing a pair of girls right now for the wrong reasons and I don't even care that I'm doing it. Is there something wrong with me? I think so.
When I was younger, in fourth grade, I told my guidance counselor that my dad hit me. Once they called the proper authorities, however, I backed off and claimed that I was lying the whole time -- I was making up a story so that I wouldn't get in trouble at school. In a meeting with my parents about the incident, one of the people working on my case (one of the child-psychologist, Dr. Phil types) told my parents that I had a criminal mind. They laughed it off, but I look at myself sometimes, some of the shit that I've contemplated doing, and now I'm thinking about BN and how I might go out with her just to get my dick wet... and maybe, just maybe, I am a horrible person.
- Joseph H.