I wanted to hate this book.
For years, all you keep hearing about is how great Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing was. How he took the title, and in effect comics in general, in a much darker direction. Even a more adult direction. I blew that off as hooey. It can't be THAT good.
Damn it all, it is!
Thanks in no small part to his artists Stephen
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That said, thanks for spoiling that they killed Tempest/Aqualad!
And I thought Spoiler was dead, the Asian girl was Batgirl, the Hawks were ALIVE (thanks for another spoiler!)... it's all changing too much!
Oh, and get the cock out of your ass and COME TO THE SHOW ON SATURDAY! Don't claim finances either, if you can afford to see concerts from bands you've seen hundreds of times anyway, you can go to a comic show and spend some $ there! Hell, I'll buy you lunch!
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