Mom Rule #8

Mar 25, 2008 11:37

Mom Rule #8: You'd better just throw any ideas about modesty you used to have right out the window.

Yep. You'll have to bring your kid into the bathrooom when you pee.  Nursing in public, breastmilk in the fridge at work, not to mention giving birth (how many people do you need in that room?!  Well... frankly, you're not going to even notice).

Yesterday, because of our Health Savings Account screwing something up, we needed to get a faxed copy of the itemized hospital bill from when Q was born.  Itemized.  So H had them fax it to me at work... and eventually they did.  
Without a cover letter.
And my boss picked it up.
Was humiliated and pissed off, wanting to call the hospital and give them a piece of my mind (are they even allowed to release that to my husband, much less without a cover letter to a fax machine???) but I'm trying to have a sense of humor about it.  Just be sure to note rule #8.

EDIT: They just faxed the damn thing again.  Sense of humor bedamned, they're getting a nasty letter about patient privacy.

mom rule

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