Work story from a few weeks ago, but totally not big enough for
customers_suck. I've already been on
c_suck_snark once, thankyewverymuch.
The guy asked for a Spanish speaker. I ask him to hold, get our third party translating service on the line, and conference the call. I tell him I have a Spanish translator on the line, and how can I help you?
The translator took a breath to repeat my opening, but the customer proceeds to speak to me in English the entire call. The translator never spoke after I'd conferenced the call, until the customer had disconnected and I thanked him.
Okay then.
Another small'un. The ID number for one of our clients goes 000XXXXXX00. I got a call from a gym we work with saying they had an ID number for a member that was 000XXXXX000, but they knew there should only be two zeros at the end. I was like, "The extra zero is like, part of the unique ID number..."
I took off Wednesday night for a casino party. Dealt Red Dog and made bank in tips. I had the best guy at my table, who literally stopped the game to say, "okay, it's time to tip the dealer." I corrected him, "it's always time to tip the dealer." He got everyone at the table to get out their wallets and put money in my jar. Each person at my table put in five. \o/ Then, of course, I had to "help" them win the next hand, for I have guilt if it goes the other way after they pad my wages.
I did my usual poking-at when they made dumb-but-risky bets that didn't pay off. One of the them said I was "just like" the dealer from
Vegas Vacation, and would have fit in that movie. To which I responded, "Um, I was how old when that came out?"
I used holiday pay for Wednesday, so I would have still been at 40 hours. (To recap: pay for the gig, extra for travel, tips, and PTO at work. I love Wednesday.) I was fine with that, but my supervisor said I could come in at 8:30 today if I wanted, as my morning counterpart is off today. I said sure, maybe, I'd see.
I set my alarm for my regular time. I figured if I happen to wake up, I'll go. Otherwise I'd just end up hitting the snooze till my regular shift, which I've done many times before. As it happens, I woke up at 7:40-ish and didn't feel the need to get back to sleep, so here I am.
It's Friday. I've got my iPod stereo going and have Shuffle on my Christmas genre. I'm off at six for a dealing gig in town. It's a good day.