Title: Address on File, Part Three
Prompt: #2, Catch
Author: JRosemary
Rating: PG
Characters: Neal, Mozzie
Word count: 276
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: Neal offends Mozzie's sensibilities . . .
Notes: Written for White Collar 100 Community; part of my
My Old Man verse, which explores the father-son aspect of the relationship between Peter and Neal.
LINK TO PART ONE "This is wrong," Mozzie complained as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back against the door to the Burkes' bedroom. "You're disrespecting Mrs. Suit--a woman whom, may I remind you, you're supposed to be thinking of as your step mother. That's what she'll become if the Suit goes through with this crazy idea to adopt you."
Neal rolled his eyes as he snatched a few bras and panties from the dresser. "For the tenth time, Elizabeth asked me to pack her a bag of clothes so she can stay at the hospital. Sorry to trample on your Victorian sensibilities, but that includes undergarments. And why is it a crazy idea?"
"Let's just say that you and the Suit belong to different worlds."
"Not anymore," Neal said as he folded the underwear into the bag and moved onto Elizabeth's jeans.
"The Suit's still going to consider you a problem child, Neal."
"Why should he? I think I'm quite the catch as a son. I keep Peter on his toes, and make him more effective on the job."
"And take care of his dog and his house while he's indisposed."
"Exactly." Neal paused and sat down on the bed. "I can't believe I watched him get shot today, Moz. And it could have been worse. If he hadn't been wearing a vest . . ."
Moz walked over to him and put a hand on his arm. "But he was. They already have the bullet out of his shoulder. He'll be ok, Neal. And you're right."
"About what?"
He sighed. "You are a catch. And the Suit's smart enough to know that."