39 week Dr. Appt. Update

Apr 10, 2006 16:10

Ok, just got back from the doctors, and my cervix is thinned out, and I am dialated to 1cm. Yeah! The doctor told me that I have to go for an ultrasound again, because of measuring small....ugh! She also told me that if I don't go into labor by next week Tuesday or Wednesday then they are going to induce me! Yippe! I am going to finally have my baby hopefully by next weekend (21-23) somewhere in there! I am hoping at least! I am waiting for the doctors office to call me with my u/s appt. I am so tired of getting u/s done, because I hate the gooey stuff they put on your tummy! Yuck!

Anyways....My sister called me last night, and told me that my 9 month old niece is being admitted into the hospital, because she can't keep anything down, and hasn't been able to since Saturday morning! I called there today, and she is finally able to keep things down, but she isn't going to the bathroom like she should be, so they are keeping her over night again! My sister is going crazy (crying, flipping out etc...) She is a very over protective mom, but I don't blame her, she just got the news that her 2 year old has to have an MRI done on the 20th for her "headaches" I am so glad that this is my last week of work, because then I can help her as much as possible with whatever until Kialee is born...I am heading to the hospital shortly after 5:00pm, cause I don't get outta work until then!

Saturday, we went to the races and froze our freaking butts off! OMG!!! I sat there shivering the entire time, I finally ended up leaving early....

Sunday, Michael and I worked on his racecar, He painted, and I did the newspaper taping off thing so that the design on it would be right! TOOK FOREVER, AND STILL NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING DONE!!!! My dad and his wife came over, and had dinner with us, that was really nice, it seems like my dad is the only one who comes to my house! I moved in back in December, and my brother still hasn't come over! I am giving up on him....I hate to say it, but we always go see them, and I am tired of doing the one way visiting thing...it just makes me sick!

I am finding it harder and harder to get up each morning! Its just unbelievable! Once I am up and showered, I have all kinds of energy, but its just right when the alarm goes off, its like....no...not yet!!!

Jen~Hopefully you read this post, I am buying a calling card so that when Kialee is born I can call you right away! I will be posting pictures online as soon as I get them copied on a disk after we get outta the hospital! Hopefully by the 24th I will be at home with my baby!

Anyways, I gotta get going, I have to do some cleaning around the office before I get outta here at 5:00pm....Talk to you all soon!
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