
Apr 07, 2006 11:01

Ok, so there really isn't much going on...just sitting at work, being bored, and staying inside...the weather is so shitty here! It's raining, and won't quit! I am so glad that I am inside!

Last night was great! Michael took me out for Ice cream, and to watch the sunset...I've never done that before! It was so beautiful! He called it a "date" I thought that that was cute, because he never does anything like this anymore! I miss him being "romantic" if thats how I should put it! It's just kinda funny that it takes a baby coming here pretty quick to start acting like this! Oh well, I am enjoying it...he hasn't showed this much attention to me in........ummmmm.....I don't know how long! I really think things are going to change *crosses fingers*

Still no contractions or anything, just a really sharp pain in my leg...great huh? It's really weird though, because it comes and goes, but it makes it hard to walk when it happens! Not fun! I really wish there were some kind of contractions or something, just a little sign to say its going to happen here pretty soon...only 6 days left until my due date! And once agian, I know she isn't going to be here! The doctor is thinking more towards the 20th of April now! WTF??? JUST COME OUT LITTLE GIRL!!! *sighs*

I am so exhausted! I am back to the not sleeping at night thing! I woke up in the middle of the night last night, and had really bad cramps in my legs again....I was told to put that icyhot stuff on them, and that would flash! it didn't! I finally got rid of my headache! 4 days later! I don't care, as long as it doesn't come back! I feel like I am so lucky, with only 6 days to go, and no strech marks!!! I am so happy, I only have them on my boobs, but thats def. normal! I couldn't believe no strech marks whats-so-ever! My sister is so jelous (she says) She still has them...We are planning on having another baby within a few years, so I'm sure I will get my share of them with that baby! I was talking to michael last night, and he said that he wants me to get pregnant right away, because he doesn't want to use condoms, or pull out! WTF??? I don't want two kids that close in age! I want them at least 2 years apart! That is what we dicided on before, but obviously his veiws have changed! Mine haven't, and if he doesn't want to stick with that....sorry buddy...I'm not putting that ware and tare on my body, its not good for me! He just doesn't understand that! Oh well...I guess its something him and I need to talk about!

Well, I have to get going, I have to get "some" work done today!
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