All~About you~
Name: Tara
Nickname/s: Leader-sama or Rikku
Age: 15 1/2
Birthday: December 6th
Gender: Female
Likes: Asians,DDR, Cosplay, Animé, Yaoi, Pie, Piano/playing piano, Guitar, Jrock, Videogames, Drawing, Challenges, Alochol, Ties, Dragons, Suits, Kyo's poetry.
Dislikes: People who type LyKe DiS, People who walk too slow, People who show up late when I tell them to come on time.
Hobbies: Videogames, Collecting figures/Plushies, and practice Guitar and Piano.
Strengths: Getting what I want..haa.
Weaknesses: Being too kind to people..
Colour: Black or purple
Animal: Dragons..even though they don't exist..or do they?
Foods: I would say pizza and all, but I gave up that stuff long, all fruits. :)
J-rocker: Niikura Kaoru from Dir en grey
J-rock band: Dir en grey, Gazette, 12012, Merry(Merii), The Candy Spooky Theater, Alice Nine, Balzac, Fatima, Moi dix mois, Malice mizer, Lolita 23Q
J-rock pairing: Kaoru/Kyo all the way..
L E A S T F A V O R I T E:
Colour: Brown
Animal: Birds in general
Foods: Veggies
J-rocker: Frankly, I have no idea
J-rock band: Psycho le Cemu
J-rock pairing: Not all that crazy for Kyo/Shinya from Dir en grey
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: I can be pretty optimistic at times.
Leader or Follower? A leader
Independent or Dependent?: Independent
Quiet or Loud?: Quiet..yet loud when I want to
Loner or Social?: Loner
Singer or Other Instrument?: Guitar and Piano :D
Calm or Hyper?: Calm
Cute or Sexy? Umm..-shrugs-
Macabre or Happy? Ne, I can do both..but, I guess happy.
Crossdressing or No? Crossdressing sounds lovely.
Random questions:
What kind of music do you/would you like to produce?: Japanese Rock
Do you go for the singer/acter cliche, or just one or the other?: Hmm..? There is a cliche for that?
Are you into sex? If so, how much and how do you express this sexuality?: I'm rarely interested in yeah =/
If someone said something to anger you, how would you handle it?: I would brush it off and walk away. They were a waste of my time.
What do you think of fangirls in general?: Very annoying.
Do you like the media/attention?: No thank you.
Anything else?: Rock on..haa
Please list five, or less bands or J-rockers that you would like to be rated as/from: Hmm..Dir en grey, Gazette, Merry(Merii), Fatima, and Alice Nine
Please post 2 clear pictures of yourself. If you have none, please describe yourself: