All~About you~
Name: Kelly
Nickname/s: Kiki
Age: 17, almost 18
Birthday: 6/27/1988
Gender: Female
Likes: Manga, Anime, Video games, Music, The arts, Fashion design
Dislikes: Stupid pig-headed people who can't accept you cause you aren't just like them
Hobbies: sewing, writing, darwing, singing... the list goes on
Strengths: I try to be like a mother/big sister figure for people.
Weaknesses: I shoulder everyone's problems on myself
Colour: Black, purple, and pink
Animal: butterflies and wolves, can't choose.
Foods: Fast food junk food
J-rocker: Kami
J-rock band: Malice Mizer
J-rock pairing: gah.... I've got three... can't... choose... Kami/Klaha, Yu~ki/Kami, Kozi/Yu~ki
L E A S T F A V O R I T E:
Colour: I don't think I have a least favorite....
Animal: Any...kind.... of bug or spider.... (with the exception of butterflies)
Foods: mushrooms.... ewwwww...
J-rocker: um.... Haruko Ash (Or how ever you spell "big forehead man from Eve of Destiny")
J-rock band: +DéspairsRay+
J-rock pairing: Kami/Kaoru (w....t...f...?)
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: I try to be optimistic
Leader or Follower? follower
Independent or Dependent?: depends...
Quiet or Loud?: depends...
Loner or Social?: loner
Singer or Other Instrument?: Singer. I want to learn drums
Calm or Hyper?: most of the time... hyper
Cute or Sexy? cute
Macabre or Happy? happy
Crossdressing or No? I like both actually...
Random questions:
What kind of music do you/would you like to produce?: Classical techno-y rock
Do you go for the singer/acter cliche, or just one or the other?: doesn't matter to me really. I'm not THAT picky
Are you into sex? If so, how much and how do you express this sexuality?: depends on my mood, not at all or A LOT
If someone said something to anger you, how would you handle it?: hold it in
What do you think of fangirls in general?: ....scary...
Do you like the media/attention?: I like attention... I just get tounge-tied
Anything else?: um.... *peace sign?*
Please list five, or less bands or J-rockers that you would like to be rated as/from:
Malice Mizer
Dir en Grey
Please post 2 clear pictures of yourself. If you have none, please describe yourself: