30 things I will not and am not allowed to do when I'm famous (if that ever happens)

May 20, 2011 21:57

1. I will not refer to myself as "Hikari the Great"
2. I am not allowed to do stage dives to entertain the fans
3. I am no longer allowed to run around in ANY of my PV outfits and ask if you would give  me 5 dollers
4. I will not sing "The happy happy joy joy song" to annoy my bandmates
5. STFU! Is not  an appropiate way to end an argument.
6. I am no longer to lead my Drummer around on a leash. Even he askes me to.
7. When we are tour and I don't want anyone cuddling with me, placing my guitar next to me is not allowed.
8. I will not sell my bandmates even if I promise to give them half the money!
9. I am no longer allowed to pass out pocky to my guitarists even if it makes them hyper for LIVES
10. Spiking my Bass players water with any kind of energy pill even if she needs it will not be tollerated.
11. I will NOT use a flamethrower as a stage prop even if I think it's cool and will excite the fans
12. Yes I can act hyper like hide, no I am not allowed to do stupid things like hide.
13. Thirteen can be my lucky number but I can't say I will not preform because it's friday the 13th
15. Running around in Gackt cosplay does NOT make me Gackt.
16. I will refer to no one as "short" just because I'm wearing platforms
17. I will not act like Kyo even if I'm pissed off.
18. I am no longer allowed to "forget" to take my meds.
19. I will NOT filp the fans off and say "But, that's the way I say I love you"
20. I am not allowed to pass out popcorn when Leader-sama has a hissy fit
21. When Leader-sama askes me to fetch her phone, I will not put it in my mouth and drop it in her hands
22. I am ABOSOLUTELY AM NOT allowed to plant water ballons filled with grape soda in my bandmates beds.
23. I will no longer drag people by their ears and thow them into A suitcase to save on travel expences.
24. When I bring my friends on tour I am no loger allowed to tie the men to the roof.
25. When I ask someone for money I must repay them ASAP.
26. Nyaaannnnnn is not allowed to be an answer for a question
27. When I bring my boyfriend on tour I WILL NOT KICK  MY DRUMMER OUT OF HIS BEAD.
28. Kawaii desu ka...? Is not allowed to be the motto of my life.
29. Rahhh is not being kyo and I wikk not be put into a strait jacket
30. we can not shoot a pv underwhater

kawaii, great, list, random, yay, hikari, stupid, hide, baka, rawr, kyo

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