May 19, 2011 19:04
So here comes the solar cars,
Our solar car will be a visual kei themed It will be a bus and our driver will be a plushie hide XD It will be black with various patterns and neon colors and lyrics wriitin on it and of course GLITTER o.o ahahahahaha!!!!! Hayley and I desinged it while poor Calvin just looked scared because we were going off the walls with it. We want it big and beautiful. My favorite part has got to be the doll. and our solar panel will be sticking out of a hatch on the top ^^. I will post pictures as we progress with it. Right now were are in the drawing stage then Mr.Dawson is going to give two hyper children tools *evil smirk*.
It's time for rants,
OK well as people know I got to school... so the otherday Mr.Nickerson my math support teacher let us have a free day so we drew ate popcorn and each of us got to pick a song. I enduered everyone else without a word like a "good girl" so when it came to my turn I decieded to play Miyavi's What's My Name because it's in english and it doesn't sound gritty, I would have played Kurenai by X but Toshi's english is hard to understand in the older version aka my favorite. So I played What's My Name and not even a full minute into the song some one got up and changed it >
So I was browsing YouTube as I do everyday and I came across Art of Life 2008 by X JAPAN and I decied to watch it was a beautiful with Yoshiki's piano then Toshi came in and his voice was so beautiful, then I saw a beam thingy come from the top of the stage then when the guitars and bass came in hide showed up in hologram form. It was so real it truly made me cry and I only cried like that on May 2nd. For me and Yoshiki it was way to real because Yoshiki passed out and I didn't stop crying until my mom came down (I don't cry infront of people I refuse to let people see my cry >Love you guys~! <3