Fic-Fishing (Sam/Jack, PG)

May 15, 2012 15:50

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
Notes: Spoilers for Threads. Set between the conclusion of the major events and the perfect final scene. Hastily scribbled during a lecture today (hey, who am I to deny the muse when she beats me in the head? oh right, the chick who's going to fail her classes. d'oh!) Thanks Rachel for beta'ing for me <3333333

Sam pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, holding herself in a tight ball. She'd opted not to drive home after the events of the day, not trusting her sense of focus in the face of her emotional exhaustion. Between her father, finally stepping up and ending things with Pete, the downfall of Anubis, and the fact that she'd kept herself upright and focused the entire day, she needed to collapse a little.

Her father. Sam rested her forehead on her knee as her eyes filled with tears again. Less than ten years ago she'd never have guessed that losing her father would have left such a gaping hole in her chest.

Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door. Sam turned her head to check the time, confused as to not only who would still be on base and visiting her at 9:30 at night, but who would fit those criteria and also know her well enough to know she hadn't gone home. She rubbed quickly at her eyes with the heels of her hands and answered quietly,

"Come in." The door opened and Jack stepped in. As the door closed behind him he shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

"Didn't want you to be alone."

Sam rose without a word and walked towards him, burying her face in his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his chest and sank gratefully into his return embrace. Jack pulled her tightly to himself, his face resting in the curve of her neck as she gripped the back of his black t-shirt. As her tense muscles relaxed in the security of his arms, Sam found herself unable to stem the flow of tears which began to trickle from her eyes and soak into his shirt. His arms tightened around her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I've had the best few years with him. I should just be grateful." she took a deep breath to try and steady herself.

"Shh." His breath was warm on her neck as he whispered to her. "Sam," he started. Her face whipped up, her damp blue eyes meeting his concerned brown ones. "You don't have to be the brave little soldier. Not this time. Let me help you." Sam started shaking her head before he finished his sentence.

"If I let myself collapse…" her voice was quiet. "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I lose control, I might never regain it."

"Sam." His use of her name again set her breath ragged.

"Please," she begged. "I can't. Not completely. Not yet." Her voice cracked slightly with her efforts to keep the tears at bay. He nodded.

"Sure. I'm sorry." He pulled her tightly to his chest again. This time, as his head found its comforting place in the crook of her neck, he gave in to the temptation that he had so strictly fought against in so many similar situations and placed a soft kiss on her flushed skin. Even as she leaned into is touch he could feel her muscles begin to tense. His lips moved to her ear and he whispered,

"I'm transferring to Washington. I was just notified of my approval this afternoon. I'm here a few more weeks and then I have a new job description." Uncertain in her grief that she'd heard him correctly, she raised her face to meet his.

"S…Sir?" her voice shook.

Jack took her face in his hands and carefully wiped away a single stray tear which had escaped the corner of her eye with the pad of his thumb.

"Sam." her name fell easily from his lips this time as he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Come fishing with me." his eyes pleaded with her as he spoke the words. For once, Sam didn’t hesitate.

"I'd love to."

fluff, sam/jack, fanfic, rating: pg, hurt/comfort

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