And I Will Hide You When It Gets Too Much-Sam/Jack, G

May 12, 2012 00:02

“And I Will Hide You When It Gets Too Much”
Sam/Jack, post-season 8.
Rating: G
Words: 165
Summary:  "And now here you are and I haven't seen you in months, but I can't turn on the lights or drag myself out of bed."
Notes: Written to cheer up Jenn, who wasn't feeling her best. <3 Title is from the Marianas Trench song "Beside You".

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Jack." Sam mumbled, her face buried in a pillow.

"Why are you sorry?" Jack asked. "Don't be ridiculous."

"You barely ever get to come home. And now here you are and I haven't seen you in months, but I can't turn on the lights or drag myself out of bed." Jack rubbed her back lightly.

"Stop it," Jack said, stretching out beside her, being careful not to jostle the bed too much. Sam had developed one of her rare migraines earlier that day. Jack had found her hidden away in the dark bedroom when he'd arrived home from Washington. Feeling the effects of her medication begin to dull the very edges of the pain threatening to crack her skull in two, Sam chanced a glance out of the pillow into the concerned face laying beside her.

"I'm really glad you're home," she said softly.

"Me too." Jack replied, draping his arm lightly over her lower back as her eyes drifted shut again.

sam/jack, stargate sg-1, fanfic, rating: g

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