Last night.

Feb 14, 2004 20:48

Last night, my roomate, some friends that we recently met from upstairs, and myself went out to eat. Everything was going good. The food wasn't that great, but I was enjoying being in the company of good people.
Before I get to the point of this story I have to mention Hoss. He's been awake for 1 week straight. He's been living on nothing but energy drinks, coffee, cappucino, and Moutain Dew. He just wants to see how long he can keep it up. I think he's nearing the end. He's not as hyper and jumpy as he was at the beginning of this experiment.

Let's get back to the story. There was 6 of us total at the table. And we were joking around and just having a good time. Well, apparently these guys were like watching me or something. One of them came over and introduced himself to me and tried to get me to come over and talk to the other guy at the table. I had a feeling where this was going so I attempted to politely decline the invitation. The only flaw in my plan was that the guy was relentless. He kept insisting that I come over there. Then things got worse 'cause the guys at my table took his side, saying that I needed to meet more people. I like to meet new people, but I prefer a non one on one manner. Like if I went somewhere with a group of friends, I would be happy to mingle and meet new people. To make a long story short, I never talked to either of the guys. And I don't regret it.

Let me list the reasons why I turned them down.

* They seemed suspicous becuase they only wanted me. They weren't willing to come to our table and meet everybody.

* The guy that did all the talking wanted to introduce me to his friend. (Didn't we outgrow that in like the 7th grade?)

* Oh, and as I afore mentioned, I'm not dating and he seemed as if he were looking for more than a friend.

I hope that this doesn't make me sound like a bad person and I hope those guys don't like hate me now. It's just that I know what I want, and they weren't it.

Once again, thanks for reading,

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