Mississippi ITS Department Year One

Aug 18, 2008 19:30

For about six months I went along, working the night shift from 7pm to 7am. It was long, it was boring, staring at dozens of monitors covered in bland green text, distorted by long hours into a Courier New blur of shaky green stripes constantly whirling and scrolling in front of my eyes like some kind of dizzy matrix dream from sun down to sun up. It's no wonder this last year seems to have passed so quickly! Finally I discovered, however, the fact that I could port out through telnet which I began to use to communicate with my friends from work. It was like finding light in a dark cave! I saw friends I hadn't seen in months upon months, and finally I was available to talk to at hours other than early in the morning. That really changed how much I enjoyed my job, and the green lines started making sense again!

I come now a little past my one year anniversary with so many stories I can't really fit them into just one journal post, I suppose I should never have stopped updating. Over all, I've enjoyed working here more than I thought I would, although lately I've been very unhappy. The money I'm making here I could double by going anywhere else, and I still can't afford to go back to school like I have wanted to so desperately since Katrina. The night-time hours are hard to work around and the twelve-hour days are stressful. Coincidentally, I've also developed a genetic intestinal disorder that likes to manifest when I've been too stressed! Go figure.

Since I moved out of my grandmother's house and into an apartment, I've had a very hard time relaxing like I used to, and lately I've had very little in the way of comfort from the friends that I have and, more recently, have not. My two best childhood friends have been so distant. Physically, emotionally, and just all around. They don't tell me anything, talk to me, call me, e-mail me. I don't even know what they're doing for a living anymore, and they don't seem concerned about what's up with me either. Then again. I can't blame them. They were as hurt by the events in '05 as I was. I can understand the feeling of not wanting to be reminded of it.

With my room mate's loud mouth and incredibly obnoxious personality I find myself most days getting off work to sit in a waffle house for about two hours, drinking coffee and water and enjoying the relative silence of the loud breakfast diner as compared to my home. Go figure!

Soon I'll move, as soon as I can find my room mate a different room mate. I just couldn't leave him with both halves of the bills to pay. Hopefully I can save some money, and use that to go back to school More on that later.
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