Pain Free So Far

Jul 08, 2006 19:58

It is amazing how the right drug can make a difference. Most of you know that I get terrible back spasams from the paraplegia. Most who knows me, also knows my feelings about taking narcotics to relieve the pain after learning that that are certain ones that I dearly fell in love with, read addicted to, during a couple hospital stays. Luckily I was able to ween off them before leaving the hospitals but the want still is a factor. Well I broke down finally and let my doc prescribe me some new meds. My muscle relaxer had been working to a point but it just wasnt doing everything i needed it to and the codein based drugs i was taking weren't strong enough so I was having to load up on them every few hours. Not good. So day I started my first round of morphine long release pills. So far so good. I still get the cramps and spasams but there is no pain with them and the morphine isn't "tripping" me out either. So it looks like I have finally found something that will help until we can come up with a non-addicting and non-"knock-my-butt-out" muscle relaxer.

Yep I am currently a happy camper, I have been able to sit thru a whole movie without missing anything and have been able to sit and type for more than 5 mins at a time with out doubling over in pain. Happy! Happy! Happy!.
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