I've already sent for free samples from Hugo! Muahahaa! The purple is quite nice. And judging from the ads we should be in for some nice pics.
I read in another article that they're paying him $1 million for the year-long campaign and that he's their first celebrity spokesperson (despite the company being about as old as dirt - haha.) I'm not sure if all that's true - but impressive if it is.
Comments 4
Guess I'll be buying some Hugo Boss soon? lol!
I read in another article that they're paying him $1 million for the year-long campaign and that he's their first celebrity spokesperson (despite the company being about as old as dirt - haha.) I'm not sure if all that's true - but impressive if it is.
Ahhh the new Cassander pics: here and here!
I think C.Monkey purchased and scanned them so they're a little bigger. I think the link in the jrm_update userinfo goes right to them. :)
that is very impressive, yes! good for Jonny! And thanks for the link for the sample...only I didn't find a mailing choice for the USA :-((
It's going to be an exciting fall/winter, isn't it?!!!
big ♥
His eyes are way too much to handle, I mean srsly.
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