Another fine product of...
Father’s Day is coming, and the assembled family types want my wish list, so here it is:
- I desperately need a new wallet and belt; both have been beat to pudding. Something roughly similar would work; this wallet on Amazon looks decent, and the belt (new) has to be shorter than this one- as I’ve lost weight, I now have way too much slack at the end.
- In the very near future, I will have to get a new pair of swimming trunks. Nice idea.
- In the near future, I’m finally expanding on my Radio interests, and my first step is to get an antenna set up outside for the shortwave/AM/FM setup. Need an antenna to hear things better on whatever device you have.
- I also want to get a SDR Radio - a new type of radio that enables you to see what’s on…it samples the *entire* band of frequencies constantly and you run it through a PC; you’ll see a ‘waterfall’ of what’s on now in that section of the universe, and tuning to the right thing is a serious snap. An example of this is a radio set up for public use by students at the University of Twente in the Netherlands (the link is a live control for the radio, which can be simultaneously used by hundreds of users for free), and fooling with that site at odd times has *really* stirred me up to return to my radio roots - to the point of getting my Ham license. I stalled on that for decades because my brain can’t process Morse Code nohow no way.
Note: I have a reasonably decent standard shortwave set, but
the SDR radio I’m looking at getting is
this one or (if I can learn to build a kit)
this much cheaper one. (Also, the cheaper one doesn’t cover longwave or Mediumwave / AM Broadcast, which doesn’t thrill me.) Of course, that radio’s a serious chunk of change - rather put money into the antenna first.
Other than that, I really don’t know. Experiential things, really - a vacation to someplace I’d really want to go to, like back to Ohio with the family or to places like
Ashfall State Park in Nebraska. From a doing things with family direction, that’s the sort of thing that I’d find fun. I’ve gotten out of here so seldom…
My family used to despair that all I was interested in were books and DVDs. I mean, I could use some
pine or cedar soaps, but I take care of myself on the book and DVD end of things anymore, and I don’t ask. Lot more fun doing things and going places, in general. I have most of the things I want or need.