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http://digital.udayton.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/yrbooks/id/1370/show/1289/rec/12 Every so great often, I do a search for people that I’m curious about, 99.99% of them being people from my past. This includes my mom, whose name (Dr. Jacquelinn A Randolph VMD) shows up in this and that from time to time. The link above is to the University of Dayton 1947 yearbook, showing my very musical mother in a musical student play…which (even though they made a common error on how her name is spelled) is hilarious to me, because she never said a word to me about acting; I had the notion that she was a total grind in school. I’ve done all sort of acting, but it was in high school - the college thespians were in it for a career, and were not interested in a non-theater major’s participation, so I gave it up way back when.