Feet first:

Sep 08, 2011 21:10

The surgery took place late on Tuesday morning; the pain levels are not what I had feared, and I’m doing moderately well.  I am taking Norco for the pain; it makes me sleepy and foggy.  A few things of note:

(1) Surgery was supposed to start hours before it did; I’m a very tough ‘stick’ for things like IVs, and I was a little dehydrated, so it was a serious mess getting my IV in.  Didn’t help that they didn’t take my advice on where to get the best veins for almost all of that time (the backs of my hands), and the anesthesiologist was really upset that he wasn’t getting it and had to stop and take care of other surgery cases and come back later.  Must have been drilled 17 times…

(2) The surgeon told me that he found two ‘growth’ or ‘masses’ in my foot that were causing all the problems.  He didn’t recognize what they were, but they didn’t look nasty to him - he sent them to pathology to be looked at anyway.  That worries me a little…I’ll see him on Saturday and see what the results were and where we go from here.

(3) I’m up in the main floor of the house.  My PC is up from the basement, on a small desk in the living room next to the TV, and I’ve been out only once (to see Connie in her hospital room yesterday for a few hours).  Basically, I rotate from an armchair in the living room (to watch TV), a chair at that aforementioned desk (for putzing on the PC) with my feet up as much as possible, and the bedroom (ZZZZ).

Due to stuff going on, which I’ll describe in my next post, I’ve been doing a lot of stuff on the PC and phone to talk to X about Y, looking up stuff and taking care of it, and so on.  The new setup has my docs scanner, and I need to do a lot of stuff with scanning mail/bills/reciepts to our house archives and working on a household financial system.  And just sitting back and watching some canned TV and movies from the TiVo.  Frankly, I’ve been too busy to do much of that; I’ve been catching up a little on my reading from my Kindle DX for entertainment.

docs management, health_care, tech, hospital, doctors_nurses, medications, fears, pain-ow, television, kindle, susan, personal, illness, computers, meredith, tivo, drugs, surgery, books, health

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