Vile movie, take two:

Jul 17, 2009 16:28

ORPHAN: My readers quietly passed along some information on this still-yet-to-open movie that I trashed earlier…and a little more information on a personal note.

Susan talked to Mere, and she got the impression from Meredith that the sheer scariness of the poster got to Mere more than anything else.

Arthur passed along this article from the Daily Beast about one adoptive mother’s upset over the film, and why it’s wildly *wrong* about the adoption experience, et cetera, and perpetuates a lot of damn fool notions about it. it’s worth a read.

Another reader who has been  connected into the film world wrote in and said:

Anyway, I checked my mailbox yesterday, and what did I find? Not just a preview pass, but a postcard exhorting me to “register for free preview screenings of and great prizes from” Orphan. If they’re being that lazy, then we’re talking a dog that’s probably going to bomb on DVD. I thought you’d want to know, because a little schadenfreude goes a long way.

I hope the producers lose their shirts on it.

wretched-excess, children, advertising, civility, j-c-on-a-pogo-stick, sad, peeves, meredith, peeve, orphans, idiots, movies, susan, adoption, personal

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