Feb 09, 2009 16:34

I’ve had six requests in the last two days about ‘ooh, I bet you know all about EPA jobs I can use one’.

Aside of sending people to the USA JOBS site, I don’t know anything about any jobs opening up at the EPA for anyone; sorry.  I wish that I did.  I know that there’s a lot of people who are hearing about the stimulus money and the green stuff with the Obama Administration in the news, but honestly, you’re seeing a lot of speculation and it’s way before anything real in the way of jobs and money are present in the office.

EPA has been horrendously short of money and NOT hiring for quite a while, and doing what it can to NOT lay people off.  And I do mean going to great lengths to economize.   There’s a lot of pent up demand at the agency for all sorts of resources - if you remember in AROUND THE WORLD IN 80  DAYS when Phileas Fogg bought the steamer to England and had the crew burn everything on hand, including the deck chairs and the possible wood without major structural damage, you’ll get the idea as to what they’ve been doing.

Right now, in DC, they’re just hiring top staff and such, and I’ve no idea when anything concrete would be done on new project or new people or whatever.   I understand the need people have for jobs; I just am totally clueless as to how to help aside of telling you this.

government, obama, contractors_feds, daoffice, recession2008, business

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