Oh, there’s some things I’d like to get, but we’re really short on money today. Susan is out right now at Home Depot; Mere’s bed is broken, and Susan has to get some plywood to put it together again. That trumps a lot. And nobody in the house is about to fight huge lines and crowds, period. We’re too *ah* laid up from leg / foot stuff to do it.
And nobody wants to be trampled to death, like this guy did. Mere has her old friend Alicia upstairs, and THUMP BANG comes from them on and off. My big task today is paperwork and organizing the basement. This includes the DVD collection, etc. Not sure when we’re getting the tree. Usually, it would be today, but people being laid up has backed up a lot of organizing housework. We may end up waiting until Kurt and John show up, but I’m not sure.