It's been a while...

May 15, 2010 22:58

So, I haven't been around in a while, so I don't know if anyone will remember my posts. While I was with my exboyfriend, I rarely had the urge to journal. Not sure why. I have a few scans from before the break-up, and a few that I have just now been able to do since we split up almost 2 months ago, I really didn't know how to put what I was feeling onto paper.

Full size and more behind the cut, separated by pre and post breakup.


Almost before my relationship with my ex. When I was with my ex before him, I cheated on him, and felt horrible, and one day a coworker said "Well, no wonder he'd never talk to you again."... So, No Wonder.


Left: His birthday was 10/17, and he mentioned one day that he always caught the clock at 10:17 and it freaked him out.. Now it won't leave me alone.

Je suis minuscule.
I am minuscule.

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